// translators / interpreters //
You have a real passion for languages, and you’ve turned it into a job! You’re a qualified translator or interpreter, with a special fondness for Italian.
Contact us! We’d love to get to know you better!
// hostesses & hosts //
Teamwork is your forte, you speak excellent German, English, Italian and you thrive on direct contact with
Intercultural environments fascinate you, and your courtesy and helpfulness never flag, even after a long
day of work.
You’re fascinated by Italy and all things Italian, and you’d like to meet people that share your same
passion. We’d be glad to interview you!
If you have outstanding language and communication skills, and past work experience at fairs and /or
congresses, contact us! We’d be glad to interview you!
// Send us your resume, with a current photo, and please let us know how you found out about our agency! // ///